May 28, 2012 | dmatheson | 2602 views
Harrow Sports Sell Sheet
NPLMA has added a library to the website. This is located on the right side of the Home page half way down. This library will include downloadable pages such as the Harrow Sports Sell Sheet to order from, a coach's application, website consent forms, etc.
The Harrow Sports Sell Sheet can be downloaded and used as an order form for North Perth Lacrosse sportswear.
The new team jerseys have arrived. We wish to show our appreciation to our sponsors for these donations to our association. Just a reminder to all: under NO circumstances are there to be letters(temporary or permanent, sticky, ironed on or sewn) for captain or assists on the jerseys - as discussed in detail at the coach's meeting. Please respect this request.
Ticket winners will be issued a cheque from North Perth Lacrosse shortly. The treasurer just has to complete the necessary paperwork associated with the regulations of the lottery license.
Please continue to forward completed website consent forms and signed codes of conduct to the executive or to the webmaster.
Individual teams will start tournament play this coming weekend. Please make sure that all fees have been collected for the entry into these tournaments.