Game Conflicts, News (North Perth Outlaws Lacrosse)

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Jun 19, 2012 | dmatheson | 1054 views
Game Conflicts
Please note that as school is winding up, there will be field trips and graduations.  That is a given.  Please give your coaches the courtesy of telling them of any conflict with a scheduled game as early as possible.  Everyone is aware of these dates well ahead of time  - they don't just pop up the night before.  Any games not cancelled 48 hours prior to game time for any reason are subject to a fine from the zone.  Any games not played at all, are subject to a $500 fine + expenses(floor rate, refs, etc.).  This cost is the responsibility of the team.  If a team does not play all of the games scheduled by the zone, they are not eligible for provincial play either.  It is not fair to the coaches who have volunteered, the players who can play but only have half their team to play with or the opponent who is at the arena to play the game.