Jul 27, 2012 | HMontgomery | 1363 views
A Few Notes About Provincials...and Still Have Fun!!
Here are a few notes for Provincials for anyone new to the Festival experience: http://www.ontariolacrossefestival.com/ The festival website is the best source of information for schedules and changes. If there are any changes to the schedule, they will be listed in the Festival News Line on the bottom right side of the home page.
1) Coaches -Don’t forget your white cards! You will not be able to play without them. Once they have seen your cards for your first game, you can use that game sheet for your next games (as long as there are no changes), but have your cards handy (in your vehicle) just in case they request them.
2) The registration desks are usually just inside the front door of the arena (depending on the arena) except at the Iroquois arena where it is upstairs. Each coach and trainer will need to sign the game sheet. You will not be able to take the sheet out of the registration room. When the game is finished, pick up the completed game sheet in the registration room.
3) Managers-There are hats and souvenir programs for each team. They will be at the Iroquois arena in the registration area. You will need to hand in the festival email survey form to be able to pick up the hats (5 names and email addresses to whom they may email a survey). Please see the form in the manager link below.
4) All of the vendors/activities will be at the Iroquois arena, if you don’t have any games scheduled there, don’t forget to stop by and check out everything. watch the time with 401 traffic. Sign up for scoreboard alert service.
5) Check out the rules, manager information, participant rules and maps on the festival website.http://www.ontariolacrossefestival.com/content/pdf/2012ProvincialTeamManagerBulletin.pdf