Annual General Meeting - October 24, 2012, News (North Perth Outlaws Lacrosse)

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Oct 19, 2012 | dmatheson | 1083 views
Annual General Meeting - October 24, 2012
It is that time of year once again....North Perth Minor Lacrosse Association’s Annual General Meeting.
The association has accomplished many things this year and has grown 30% to include teams in all ages of box lacrosse from paperweight to intermediate. 
Building to this level took a great deal of effort from many dedicated volunteers. It is at this AGM that we elect all board positions of NPMLA as well as assign non board member positions to other volunteers. Over the past 10 years a great group of knowledge as well as atmosphere has formed and makes it very easy and smooth for new volunteers to come and help.
In order to maintain the level we are operating at in the next few years we require many more volunteers.
If you have ideas, expertise or time (a little or alot) we sure can use your help. Come out on October 24th at 7:00pm at the Trillium Insurance Building meeting room in Listowel and help support your organization.

Copies of the newly revised NPLA Consitution and NPLA Rules of Operation can be found under the "About Us" tab.

Diane Matheson

CONGRATULATIONS to the TYKE and MIDGET 2 teams for being awarded the "MOST SPORTSMANLIKE" teams in our zone.  This award is based on good sportsmanship and lack of penalty minutes as compared to other teams in their respective divisions.  WOOHOO!!!!