Jun 12, 2013 | dmatheson | 1040 views
And so the winning names were drawn at the last executive meeting. Please check out the Ticket Draw page to see if you were a lucky winner. The $500 big prize went to the Deelstra Family. Congratulations to all the winners!
Please ensure that all game scores and penalty minute pertaining to that game are submitted to the zone on time. Also, update the scores on your team webpage.
On another more serious note, police checks have been slow coming in. If you are on the coaching staff of your team, including manager or a carded volunteer, a completed police check is required. Police checks, once verified, are good for three years with the North Perth Lacrosse Association. If you have not filled out the police check forms and handed them into Diane Matheson - the OPP police check coordinator - by June 30, 2013, you will not be allowed on the bench with your team. Police check forms will be available for download on the website library.