North Perth Annual General Meeting, News (North Perth Outlaws Lacrosse)

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Oct 29, 2014 | dmatheson | 1110 views
North Perth Annual General Meeting
North Perth Lacrosse AGM was held Oct.28/14.
A BIG Congratulations goes out to our Midget and Intermediate teams for winning the "Most Sportsmanlike" Award for our zone!!

 Thank you to all of the volunteers for taking on the positions listed below for the upcoming season.

Planning is underway for the OUTLAWS 2015 season, however, we need to fill all the open roles so we are not forced to suspend our 2015 lacrosse season.

 Please take the time to consider volunteering with Outlaws Lacrosse.

We have 10 executive meetings a year (once a month except August and December) and we alternate meeting locations between Wingham and Listowel.

Contact any of the executive members below ASAP if you are interested helping in any way or have any questions. 

Our next meeting will be at the end of November and will be confirming registration dates, clinic dates, soft paperweight (3&4 years old) and paperweight (5&6 years old) programs.

President - Honey Montgomery
Vice President = Darlene Buchanan
Treasurer - Christine Reyes
Secretary - Darlene Buchanan
Scheduler - Diane Matheson
Registrar - Christa Huntley
Ass't Registrar - open
Website - Diane Matheson
Equipment - Dwayne Matheson
RIC - open
Player Development - open
Coach Development - open
Director at Large - Lindsay Sage
Director at Large - open
Fundraising/Sponsership - open
Life Member - Doug Kemp