Mar 08, 2016 | dmatheson | 955 views
Last Registration for 2016 - April 2
**Coaching applications have been trickling in. Please get your application in asap for consideration. Updated applications are available on the website library.
Final registration is Saturday, April 2 at Listowel Arena, upstairs. 9am-12noon.
Registration cheques can be held if requested until April 5/16.2016
Rates:Paperweight and soft paperweight programs will be run at no cost again this year. Participants will still be required to partake in fundraising.
All registrants will be required to pay the 2016 rate of $225.00 plus fundraising.
Please reserve April 9 for an instructional clinic for coaches and players with former NLL player Jason Crosbie. Times TBA
Floor times for the lacrosse season will start week of April 11.