Looking for Players and Coaches, News (North Perth Outlaws Lacrosse)

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Mar 13, 2018 | dmatheson | 1023 views
Looking for Players and Coaches
Looking for more tyke and novice age kids born 2011-2010 and 2009-2008 to play Canada's National Sport. Check out North Perth Outlaws website https://northperthoutlaws.ca/ or contact Darlene [email protected] to provide a local place for kids to stay fit and participate. Need a response by April 4 to be successful.

Still looking for coaches for younger ages - Peewee, Novice, and Tyke. Dont be the parent who sits back and ends up being part of the problem- be part of the solution! Do it for the kids who look up to you!

We are aiming to be on the floor for practices in Wingham @ April 16 and in Listowel after May 14.  Please check the calendar on this website often.

There will be exec members at the first practice for each team who will be collecting all outstanding fees - registration fees, volunteer fees, fundraising, jersey fees...the works.  A player will not go on the floor without the fees being paid so allow extra time to be processed that first night.  If you miss the first night, it is your responsibility to make arrangements for payment.

Our yearly Fun Day - exhibition games - are scheduled for Saturday, May 12 and Sunday, May 13 - all teams will play on one of these two days.

Now is the time to make note of any dates where there may be team conflicts.  ie graduation dates, exams.  While we strive to avoid most of these dates, a friendly reminder to your coach or scheduler is much appreciated in case we are not aware of a potential conflict.