Apr 04, 2019 | dmatheson | 740 views
Coach Meeting
Coach, Trainers, Managers - Saturday, April 6 at 9am @Hotstove Lounge, Wingham Arena
Coaches: Many times your best athletes are "strong willed".
The two most common things I see happen are this:
A - Coach allows the bad behavior, doesn't confront it and looks to show favoritism
B - Coach can't deal with it properly and the athlete is gone from the program
I want to challenge ALL coaches to choose C.
In C, the coach learns how to coach them up. There's almost always a way if you work hard enough at it to build a relationship with the athlete that fosters the best out of them. To confront their actions & create accountability out of love. To bring the best out of them for the sake of themselves and their teammates.
These athletes are your biggest opportunity to make a change that will affect their life for years and years.