May (Fun) Days Schedule Set, News (North Perth Outlaws Lacrosse)

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Apr 24, 2019 | dmatheson | 943 views
May (Fun) Days Schedule Set
The schedule has been updated.  Please check often for changes

The schedule has been set for Fun Days.  Due to the last chance coaching course being on the Saturday, we had a couple teams drop out due to no coaches.
Here is the schedule:
Saturday - Tyke, Peewee and Midget
9am - NP Tyke vs Stayner Tyke
10am - NP Midget vs Stayner Midget
11am - NP Peewee vs Stayner Peewee
12pm - NP Tyke vs Stayner Tyke
1pm - NP Midget vs Stayner Midget
2pm - NP Peewee vs Stayner Peewee

Sunday will see the Novice, Bantam and Intermediate hit the floor at 830am
830 - NP Bantam 1 vs Strathroy Bantam
930 - NP Bantam 2 vs Stayner 2 Bantam
1030 - NP Novice vs Stayner Novice
1130 - NP Intermediate vs Stayner Intermediate
1230 - NP Bantam 1 vs Stayner 1 Bantam
130 - Strathroy Bantam vs Stayner 2 Bantam
230 - NP Novice vs Stayner Novice
330 - NP Intermediate vs Stayner Intermediate
430 - NP Bantam 2 vs Stayner 1 Bantam

We will have the raffle tables set up and and also a food cart outside all weekend(menu to come).  On Sunday, Leslie Ford will be hosting a fundraiser for North Perth Lacrosse similiar to the discontinued "FORD Drive 4 UR".
So come drive a FORD!!