One final reminder to all those who may be interested, that today is March 19, which is the last day we will be accepting preregistrations. The North Perth Outlaws executive will be using this information to plan and implement registration, and a season strategy for the 2021 season. It is our goal to have players on the floor within the next few weeks, enjoying Canada's national summer sport.
Preregistrations have been very steady this week, with another 50 players preregistered in the past 7 days. We appreciate everyone who took the time to fill out the online preregistration form, and are happy to report that overall, our numbers look very strong. We are still looking for more players in U15 at this time.
The number of female players that have preregistered has improved over the past few days as well, but we still hope to see more girls show their interest in playing box lacrosse this season.
We are offering a skills and drills only program as well, and hope to see more interest in that. Skills and drills and girls only programs can be selected in the age group drop down menu at the bottom of the preregistration form.
Click below to take you directly to the preregistration form.
And stay tuned for more information and updates shortly. We will continue to post updates on our website, as well as our facebook and instagram page to keep you informed.
Your continued patience is greatly appreciated. Registration will officially be open soon, and those that are preregistered will be the first to be notified, when it does.