Jul 02, 2021 | aburkholder | 439 views
Schedule set for the summer
Now that the province is in step 2 of the reopening plan, the North Perth Outlaws will be moving forward with a more structured season.
Because we were unable to secure field time at a second location, all field times will take place at the soccer fields behind the Howick arena on Monday and Wednesday nights. U9/U11 will be at 6 pm. U13/U15 will be at 7 pm. U17/U22 will be at 8 pm. The paperweight program will be once a week taking place on Wednesday nights at 6 pm in Howick. Please note that the U17/U22 schedule may be altered.(see details below)
For July 5 and July 7 field times, all players in each cohort will practice for 20 minutes followed by a scrimmage. Coaches will use this time to evaluate players and split cohorts into teams. Every player will be receiving a shirt to be worn during games, that they can keep once the season is over.Games will officially begin the week of July 12.
Games and scrimmages will be noncontact as per OLA and provincial guidelines. Players must wear a helmet with cage, and lacrosse gloves. Slash guards are recommended. All other equipment is optional based on player preference. Please click on the following link to review the modified rules.https://northperthoutlaws.ca/Pages/2217/Modified_Rules_2021/
U9/U11 will be split into 3 teams. Game play will be 3 on 3. Each night 1 team will practice while the other 2 teams play a game. Coaches will have the ability to borrow players from the practicing team, if they are short players for their game. This will allow for the potential of more games for every player. It will be the responsibility of parents to inform their coach if they are unable to attend a practice or game, with as much notice as possible.
U13/U15 will be split into 4 teams. Game play will be 3 on 3. Each night two teams will play a game, while the other two teams practice.
U17/U22 will be split into 2 teams. We are working with other clubs in zone 8 at this age group to provide more variety in game play. Please note that game nights may change from week to week, and there may be some travel for away games. More details to follow.
Once the province moves into step 3 of the reopening plan, season plans, protocols, and modified rules may be adjusted. A decision will be made regarding that, once clear guidelines are available from the province and OLA.
Roster sizes may be increased and game play may be adjusted to 4 on 4, if we receive more registrations. Registration will remain open, and new players can be added to existing teams. Please click the following link to go to our registration https://northperthoutlaws.ca/Pages/1469/Registration/
If you have any questions please contact Amy Burkholder at [email protected]