Lacrosse Step 3 changes - Increasing Spectator Limits, News (North Perth Outlaws Lacrosse)

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Jul 27, 2021 | aburkholder | 620 views
Lacrosse Step 3 changes - Increasing Spectator Limits
First, thank you to all coaches, players, volunteers, and families for working together to get us through the first 5 weeks of our season, and for following all public health measures and OLA guidelines. We must all recognize that, despite vaccination rates increasing, case counts stabilizing, and the province moving forward in reopening the economy, that there is still risk involved and that our season could be cut short. It should be the goal of everyone to ensure that we minimize risks, so that players are safe and can enjoy and complete the remaining 4 weeks of the season. The province moved into step 3 of the reopening plan on July 16 and the OLA has updated their RTA accordingly.

The North Perth Lacrosse executive has been working hard to review and implement these changes. You can find updated step 3 information regarding the OLA RTA and provincial health measures related to facilities for sports in our RTA section.

We must all continue to prescreen, check in at each practice/game so that attendance can be recorded for contact tracing purposes, and wear face coverings at all North Perth Lacrosse events. Please review Parent/Player Protocols.

Everyone needs to remember too that the majority of our players are not currently eligible for the vaccine, and we must do what we can to protect them.  Not only are health and safety protocols required by the OLA, but they are included in the step 3 provincial public health measures.

As per the updated OLA RTA, game play may now include contact and full traditional rules. North Perth Lacrosse is taking a collaborative and age specific approach with this in mind. Officials and coaches will continue to meet prior to each game to discuss rules to ensure that all players know what is expected of them. We want game play in our local league to stay high tempo and remain exciting for the players. Coaches and our Referee in Chief will make decisions to gradually reintroduce contact in a safe way. This will allow players to build confidence in contact and learn how to use cross checking as a defensive tactic, which is integral to the box lacrosse game. This will also help prepare players for a return to a traditional season next year. With this in mind, players will have to begin wearing full lacrosse equipment. This will be communicated by your coach. We do recognize that new players may not have rib pads, and may need time to get these. Please inform your coach if you are in need of them or contact [email protected]

For a full list of required equipment please click the following link:

With the recent changes, spectator limits will also be increasing. The maximum spectator capacity at the Howick soccer fields is 100 people.  With that in mind, we ask that members only invite no more than 3 people per player to any event. Spectators should prescreen at home prior to attending an event and stay home if they do not pass prescreening. As per provincial health measures and OLA protocols, spectators will be required to wear a mask. Upon arrival onsite, follow all posted signage, proceed to the check in table, sanitize hands and verbally complete wellness prescreening, and submit your name and contact information to be recorded for attendance purposes in the event that contact tracing must be done. Please note that these records are only kept for one month. Every person in attendance is expected to follow the rules provided by North Perth Outlaws Committee, Huron Perth Public Health, Provincial government, and the Ontario Lacrosse Association at all times to ensure the safety of players, volunteers, facility staff, spectators and the North Perth Outlaws Lacrosse program. Disregard of the rules for safety will result in a polite reminder. Repeat offences will result in the spectator being asked to leave. Please keep in mind that this is about the players' safety and enjoyment, first and foremost. We also ask spectators to pay close attention to game play and watch for balls leaving the playing area. We will post signs with spectator expectations on site. Please note that there may be a separate check in area for spectators, but this will clearly be identified. Players, parents, and volunteers can continue to check in at the usual location. 

We ask that all members clearly communicate spectator expectations when inviting someone to come watch the games, and let them know that they must wear a face covering and checkin upon arrival.  Below is a link to a prescrenning tool that can be used at home prior to coming to an event.

As per step 3, a move indoors is possible, but this decision will be made by the executive. A full review must be made first regarding protocols and budget. This process is beginning this week, as we will be meeting with Howick recreation staff to discuss expectations, protocols, and cost. We do not anticipate a full transition to indoor play due to budget constraints and logistics. And please note that if we do move indoors, spectator capacity will be more limited, and more volunteers may be required. It is possible that we remain outdoors for the remainder of the season.

Again, thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding, as we want to do everything we can to try and ensure that we complete the season. 

Thank you!
Go Outlaws!