Ontario Lacrosse Association Social Media Policy
All of us are very passionate about our involvement with lacrosse. At the Ontario Lacrosse Association, we believe that having a positive online presence is an important tool in our mission to “grow the game” – everyone is encouraged to tell the world about lacrosse and share their passion. Whether you do so by participating in a blog, a wiki, an online social network or any other form of online discussion is up to you.
That said, social media has changed the way that we talk to each other. In order to avoid any problems or misunderstandings, we have come up with a few guidelines to provide helpful and practical advice for you when you are posting on the internet as an identifiable member of the Ontario Lacrosse Association.
Our social media policy covers all OLA members, including players, coaches, referees, volunteers who have signed a membership agreement or operate in any capacity on behalf of the Ontario Lacrosse Association. Non-compliance with this policy may be considered as misconduct, harassment, or in certain circumstances, contravention of the law. Social Media may include (but is not limited to):
• Social networking sites (including Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat)
• Photo and video sharing sites (including Instagram, YouTube and Flickr)
• Personal blogs (including personal websites and podcasts)
• Public discussions and collaborations (including comments posted to news stories, forums and wikis)
• Any other form of mediated communication not covered under these guidelines
1. Know the rules. Familiarize yourself with and follow the Ontario Lacrosse Association’s Code of Conduct and Harassment Policy (which are in effect in both the real world and the online world). It’s perfectly fine to talk about your team/association/league/etc. and have healthy dialogue with the community, but it is not okay to use personal insults, obscenities, or engage in any conduct that would not be acceptable within an arena or field. Everyone who participates online appreciates and deserves respect and encouragement. Avoid posting anything that the average person believes could embarrass or disgrace our members, associations, affiliates, sponsors, partners and/or the game.
2. Be a leader. If you are selected to be the official spokesperson or member of a social media committee for a team/association/league/etc., be mindful of the fact that your posts represent everyone within the group that you belong to. Avoid engaging in offensive behaviour of any kind.
3. Everything is public. Be aware of perceptions. If you join a discussion, your audience may view your participation as acceptance of the posted views. Once you’ve clicked “send,” you can’t take it back. Even if you use privacy tools, assume that everything you write, exchange or receive online is public.
4. Not everything is public. The Ontario Lacrosse Association maintains a privacy policy which specifically forbids the sharing of personal or otherwise confidential information. It’s everyone’s job to protect this information and to prevent its use from promoting personal agendas or causes.
5. Heads Up! Be aware that non-lacrosse people will associate you with our sport when you identify yourself as such. Please ensure that all content that you post or engage with is consistent with our mission to grow the game. Everyone has the opportunity to be a great ambassador for lacrosse!
6. Respect copyright. If it’s not yours, don’t use it without asking permission and attributing the source.
7. Be responsible. You are personally responsible for the content that you publish. Common sense is a huge factor; if you find yourself wondering whether or not you should post something, review it. If you are still unsure and the content could be considered related to your team/association/league/etc., talk to your association representative, zone director, league commissioner or any staff person with the Ontario Lacrosse Association before clicking “send.”
8. Consider the consequences. Ontario Lacrosse Association members who use social media sites are required to follow the OLA’s Code of Conduct. This means that your interactions (and the content you exchange) could be subject to discipline through your team/association/league/etc., and/or through the Ontario Lacrosse Association under the OLA’s Bylaws, Rules and/or Regulations. Always think before you post!

All members should observe the following guidelines when posting online and/or participating in online conversations regarding North Perth Lacrosse or the lacrosse community in general;
1. Do not speak on behalf of North Perth Lacrosse Assoc. Avoid officially representing North Perth Lacrosse unless you have been authorized to do so. Do not portray yourself as a spokesperson on issues relating to the club.
2. Be honest about who you are. Where your connection to North Perth Lacrosse is apparent or when commenting on matters related to North Perth Lacrosse, include a disclaimer or include your position with the club in your online profile.
3. Maintain confidentiality. Do not share any confidentiality or privileged information online. Respect the privacy of the club and its members by refraining from sharing information unless you have permission to do so.
4. Remember that the Internet is a public space. Consider everything you post online in the same manner as anything that you would post on a public bulletin board or submit to a newspaper; both are public and permanent.
5. Respect others. Avoid posting any material that may be offensive, demeaning, inappropriate, abusive or threatening to others. Always speak about other clubs in a positive and respectful manner.
6. When in doubt, ask. If you have any questions about using social media in an appropriate manner; please contact the North Perth executive.