May 15, 2012 | dmatheson | 579 views
Intermediates - Game #1
The Intermediate's travelled to Brantford for game number 1 this season. With a young group mixed with a few older guys who haven't played in a couple years, they settled into playing a quick good passing Brantford squad. The first period saw a barrage of offense for the home team, but, the North Perth squad backstopped by Ben Underwood managed to hold off alot of movement and shots and found themselves only down 1-0 after the first period. Joel Watson left early in the first after driving up the floor only to be met by two Brantford defenders with a crushing hit to the boards. Coach Harris describes it as an upper body injury which will be evaluated today. Brantford's one goal lead lasted til halfway thru the second when Brock Hodgins received a pass from Underwood and went end to end and slipped his shot thru the goalies legs to even the score at 1. Two minutes later Brantford would regain the lead on some sloppy defensive coverage by North Perth. North Perth would enter the third down by one but wouldn't be denied for long. Brantford scored to open a two goal lead but strong play by Bret Harris off the face off to gain ball control and then dish it off to Daniel Kemp who tucked a shot passed the goalie brought the visitors to within one. Quickly there after Cory Paulitzki took a feed from Kemp on the crease and slipped North Perth's third goal to knot the game at 3's. Brantford would score 2 late in the third to preserve the win 5-3 after Underwood making numerous stops in spectacular fashion. A solid and clean effort, 8 penalty min by the Intermediates and with a few adjustments the future looks bright.