Possible additional tourney?, News, Novice, 2013 (North Perth Outlaws Lacrosse)

This Team is part of the 2013 season, which is not set as the current season.
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May 28, 2013 | pverbeek | 1946 views
Possible additional tourney?
I have been sent an email from the Sarnia tournament wondering if we would be interested in entering at a reduced rate of $200 for 3 games as they need one more team.  The tournament is June 21-23 in Sarnia so people would probably want to stay the night somewhere.  The Peewee 1 team is already down there on this weekend so I am there already.   Please let me know ASAP if you would be interested in entering this tourney.  If I have 12 or more interested, I will respond with a yes to them.  



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